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DEFRA Goat Movement - update

All movements must be reported to the local ofice within three days of the movement taking place and the movement must be recorded in the on-farm movement record within 36 hours. Breeding goats do not now trigger the 6 day standstill on the premises to which they are moved for breeding providing they respect any standstill or are isolated for six days in a DEFRA approved isolation facility before they leave. Remember that this is a UK based website so these rules are peculiar to us. If, for example, you are in USA then please contact the appropriate agricultural organisation for the rules that apply there.

Registering with DEFRA

Did you know that you must register with DEFRA if you have goats so that they can issue you with a herd/flock number. This is important for all goat owners even if you only have one as a pet. It is compulsory so it reflects on all goat owners if you neglect to do this.

Ear Marking

Goats, like sheep and cattle, are required to be ear marked, again even if you only have one as a family pet. Ear tagging is often not a practicality with their penchant for chewing things! Where also would you put a tag on a Nubian’s ear? So consider tattooing as an option. The apparatus is expensive but the BGS has lists of people in your area who own tattooing equipment and they may consider coming to your goats to do it for you. Another consideration would be micro-chipping.